Who I am.

My name is Riley, or Riles. You can choose.

I'm from Kentucky.

Thats about it for now.

Why did I make this?

My lovely, incredibly creative wife started a beautiful writing blog which inspired me to get one going as well! That, and I got inspired from a few talks with a former teacher of mine. I've always wanted to put my writing out there, so I'm glad I'm finally doing it.

I would say my ultimate goal with this blog is to be transparent with emotions and ideas in hopes that it will help or inspire others; just as it has been therapeutic and inspiring for me when writing them. 

What is the name "d'Arthur" about?

My full name is Riley Arthur Wooldridge; which is sort of where I started to get the name for this page. Some of my favorite works of literature are from Le Morte d'Arthur. Which is all about King Arthur, his knights, etc. So I took away "Le Morte" which means "The Death," and just kept "d'Arthur" which simply means "of Arthur." Meaning that what you see and hear on this blog will be "of me" or by me. I don't know if I'm using that French correctly, but at least it sounds cool.

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